Web Blog

What a responsive site is, and why responsiveness is important.

Responsive Web site is respond and resize any kind of divices by changing the size of the page to fit. Whether you’re viewing a website on your smartphone or a laptop, it will be unified and easy to navigate despite the differing screen sizes.

What mobile first design is, and why it's important.

Mobile first design means that you start your design process off by designing for mobile. large numbers of people using mobile phones to navigate the web and use apps more frequently. The new trend is to develop a mobile friendly version first and then develop for desktop.

What frameworks are, and their pros and cons.

Frameworks are defined as packages made up of a structure of files and folders of standardized code (HTML, CSS, JS documents etc.) which can be used to support the development of websites, as a basis to start building a site. pros :Speeds up the mock-up process, Clean and tidy code, Solutions to common CSS problems, Learn good practices and Helpful in collaborative work cons :Mixes content and presentation, Slower learning curveand, You don’t learn to do it yourself

What a wireframe is and why we use it.

A wireframe is a kind of sketch of your website. It is a graphical skeleton of a website, similar to an architectural blueprint。 It shows the content the pages before any further designs and help designers communicate with clients about the design concept.