My strengths are: having a learning attitude, am hardworking and open to learning from others. With English as a second language , I need to spend more time to do assignments and/or projects. It seems to take longer to finish, but I am used to doing that since I was young. Since I came to New Zealand, I've learnt to be open more to the NZ culture, language and food. That helps me even with my learning of new concepts and skills. My main limitation is English. I feel it takes me longer to do the same job as a native English speaker. Self-motivation also can be my limitation. The way I studied in Korea, I was sort of a follower rather than a leader. So I feel I need more direction from others, rather than being a self-starter.
Workload management plan: Based on my above strengths and weaknesses and my current situation with caring for my two children, I will ultilise my time during week days (10am and 2:00pm), while the kids are at school, to work on the assignments. During my work times I will ensure I use the available communication channel (slack) to seek help if I need help. I will also make use of Google and Youtube. At times I may utilise my husband to drop off and pick the kids to ensure I keep to my blocked out times.
What do I expect from my facilitator and Dev Academy? To continue to support me throughout Foundations and through into Boot Camp.